The Sleep Is A Skill Podcast

052: Tracy Duhs, Host of Hydrate Podcast & Founder of Sanctuary Wellness Experience: How Our Water and Thoughts Can Influence Sleep!

Episode Summary

You've probably heard that “Water is life”, “Drink water 6-8 glasses per day”, or “Stay hydrated” for optimal health. However, just drinking water might not be as simple as it sounds. There are different types of water and knowing what’s inside your water is very important to get its benefits not only for your health but for your sleep. The chemistry, physics, and bioenergetic information of water have evolved throughout the years. The healthiest and optimal water molecules can be found in mountain springs, but not everyone lives there. Learn more about the types of water and how it can be a healing and transformative element in your health and sleep game!

Episode Notes


Tracy Duhs is a modern wellness experience maker and educator and has pioneered an approach to health and wellness that integrates easily into people’s everyday lives, helping them build healthy and connected communities.

As a wellness consultant to major businesses and hospitality brands, the founder of two naturopathic clinics, and a podcast host, she feels privileged to help individuals and groups from all walks of life reach their highest wellness potential and truly thrive.

Tracy Duhs believes that optimal health is a fundamental right for all humanity, not just a privilege for a select few.

Helping people look and feel their best has been Tracy’s life-long mission. Growing up in a missionary home cultivated her profound sense of compassion and her desire to help others.

By the time she was 15, Tracy had already begun her undergraduate education in medicine.

At 16, Tracy shadowed a missionary doctor working in an indigenous village in Guatemala, where she gained hands-on surgical and medical training. The time she spent there opened her eyes, her heart, and ultimately changed her life.

Tracy decided to forgo a traditional allopathic career in favor of one that focused on regenerative care and education.




💧Tracy’s Journey in Medicine

💧99% of Molecules in Our Body is Water

💧Making a Difference Does Not Require You to Fill the Medicine Cabinet

💧What is Cleaning Water?

💧The Type of Water We Drink Matters

💧Bioenergetic Information of Water: Tap Water Vs Mountain Springs

💧Our Thoughts is Where to Restart Our Hydration Game

💧Reverse Osmosis, Water Distillation to Remove Chemical Contaminant in Water

💧Minerals Are Essential in Water to Properly Hydrate the Cells

💧Vortex to Cleanse the Physics of Water

💧Get Your Water Right, and You Don’t Need Supplements like You Thought You Did

💧Water Received Information Through Singing, Humming, Praying

💧Water Molecules: H2O, D2O, HDO

💧How Does D2O Can Break Your Mitochondria

💧Deuterium Depleted Water

💧Sunlight Activate Our Hydration: Red Light Therapy

💧Shower Filter Contaminants

💧Where Can You Find Tracy: Instagram, Website, and Youtube


“Health does not have to be hard. There is hope. And the hope starts within you. The hope starts with your thoughts. The hope starts with your perception, the way you look at the world, the way you look mostly the way you look at yourself, the way you see your own self, the way you receive yourself, the way you love yourself, that is going to make the most impact on.”

Episode Transcription

And welcome to the sleep is a skill podcast. Tracy, I am so grateful that you're able to take the time to speak with us today on the topic of hydration and sleep. Yeah. Thanks for having me, Molly. I'm super excited to be on your show because hydration plays a huge role in getting quality sleep. So thank you. Oh, fantastic. Well, I am really excited to dive in with you. you know, we were sharing before hitting record just the, a very synergistic way that we got to connect and, uh, you know, really just so curious to dive in more and provide the listeners with some real practical takeaways in this conversation around hydration and sleep. So I'd love to start at the beginning with you and just understand more about your origin story and how you got into this realm, how you became hydrated. Yeah, that's a great question, Molly. Yeah. I don't wake up one day and just say, Hey, I think I want to be a hydration expert. Exactly. I love it someday though. I was dreaming about it since I was a little girl. Now I, um, had been fascinated with medicine and science since I was 15, at 15 and a half. I started pre‑med and went on my journey with, um, the whole medical, program. I actually got to a doctor and an indigenous village for summer and do a lot of allopathic work. And I learned that through that journey that I really wanted to work with preventative care learning, how to prevent people from getting sick, as opposed to treating them when they were already ill. so I changed from allopathic into going into. Herb school and then eventually going to get my Ph.D. and, integrative medicine. And we have a clinic here in San Diego. It's called the sanctuary wellness experience. And I've been seeing people there for about 11, 12 years. And I, what I noticed about the body was that we'd go into all these deep, all these deep rabbit holes, trying to help people get better. And when we do. Took people back to the basics of sunlight, grounding, hydration, focusing. Okay. And their sleep. I started to notice that people were their own bodies were healing themselves. They didn't need all these supplements. They didn't need as much of the intervention. Their cells are cells that have an innate intelligence that knows exactly what to do and how to heal our own bodies. No matter how. How, how deep the disease or whatever they have going on in their body, the body knows what to do. And so what we do in functional medicine is we remove the obstacles for healing and when we can do that, the body heals itself. So what I started to discover was when we took people back to these basics, they got better. But then I realized, Oh my gosh, 98.9% of the molecules in our body are. Water molecules. And so I wanted to learn more about water and I started looking for podcasts on water and trend to see who's the expert on water. And there was really nobody that was focusing on that. So I said, I want to start focusing on this because this is an area that people need to understand because it's not just drinking adequate amounts of water is going to hydrate yourself. There's so much more that goes into it. Well, I'm glad you're. Exactly the right person to fill this void and to help us, um, kind of connect the dots with this topic, because I do know there are so many questions, uh, in this area, but also so many. Non‑question so many of that. It's not even, on the forefront for people of, that this is something that will make a real difference in this problem. Of course, in the conversation around sleep is when people are coming to sleep as a skill. Um, they have it that there's just one person. The problem, which is to help me sleep or help me improve my sleep. And often what we find with that topic is that it's, uh, there's, uh, so many of these root causes and I think you're really pointing to something so clear then that's one of the things we fight again. And again, is that it's some of these basic things, uh, can make such a profound difference. And I love that you're also pointing, that it doesn't have to about fill the medicine cabinet with supplements. It doesn't, that's not. Necessarily the alternative route to allopathic medicine. It doesn't mean, okay. Now functional medicine is all about, uh, you know, spending a lot of money in that arena. Now there might be a time and a place, but I'm starting at ground zero on,  what there is to make a difference. So, um, I'm wondering if you could help us understand this topic of hydration. Uh, you made that great point that so much of our body is constituted with water. And so what is it. It's missing from just some of the basic recommendations around, you know, eight glasses a day and this, that, and the other, what are we not making the connection with for the average person on what they can do to make a difference, run there, run, their hydration? Yeah, that's a great question.  I think we would start with the type of water you're drinking and then act V8 hydration. There's a lot of different things we can do, like getting an adequate amount of sunlight, grounding to the earth, like walking on the beach. The wet sand, barefoot movement, um, getting adequate sleep. Those things play a role in, in, uh, intracellular and extracellular hydration. But, I'd like to start with just talking about basic water at home. Most people understand that it's important to clean the chemistry of the water. You want to be drinking chemically, clean water, free of contaminants. That's important. And I think most people get that. That's why a lot of people choose to drink bottled water over tap water because it's common knowledge. But where I think we're missing is first of all, when you're cleaning the chemistry of the water, not all water filters are created equal for one and then two certain water filters take out the minerals in the water. Essential for the cell to be able to adequately and efficiently uptake that, um, that water into the cell. So there are two parts and then there's, well, there are three parts. And then the third part is the bioenergetics of the water, which we can, we can go into so well said. Okay, and because you made such a great point when people are looking, they might really be believing that they are taking the steps necessary. Very to set themselves up powerfully. They're not just, no, I don't do that. I don't drink from the tap. I get, you know, external water sources. I have bottled water or maybe a next level. I have glass containers. I have this. So there's seem to be these different tiers but what do you see? Time and time again, where people are just not even grasping that there's a whole other realm or spectrum, that's available to them that they might not be thinking of. Maybe there's just, okay. Is it. Alkaline water. Is it, you know, like what are those other terms that were, that, that we're really missing the boat on? Yeah, so I think the ideal thing to do would be if we all lived near a beautiful mountain spring and we could get flowing water that's alive and vibrant and had the imprint of the Earth's magnetism and the energy and the sunlight and all of the minerals in it, that would be. Would be ideal, but most of us don't live near a mountain spring or a really good source of mountain spring. So what do we do? We live in the city. We have tap water bathing in the tub. 

You know, in so many other properties that they could be exploring around what it takes to get properly hydrated. I think we can go a little bit deeper around that topic. Yeah, absolutely. Absolutely. Um, okay. So do you want to ask the question again or no problem. Okay. So, okay. I'm really so excited to go in deeper with you on this topic of hydration because,  I will speak with different clients and we'll. We'll discuss hydration, right. As it relates to their sleep. And one, they're not making the connection of why that this is important to begin. And to then they'll say, Oh, I got that covered. I drink water all day long. Not a problem. What are we not conveying? Or what are we not getting in that traditional viewpoint of what it takes to be properly hydrated? Yeah. That's a great question, Molly. So a lot of people are drinking enough water, you know, when we grow up or usually. You should get your six to eight glasses of water a day. And I think people are really good. Most people are trying really hard to take care of themselves and drink the right amount of water. The thing that I feel that we are missing or haven't been taught is that the type of water that we drink really matters. And if all of us lived near mountain spring, that would be so Epic. If we could just draw from living and moving. Water that's full of minerals and alive and imprinted with the living vibrations of the earth and those gemstones, the rock that the wa the rock formations that the water comes through, because water is the source receiver of everything that it comes in contact with. So when water is moving and coming through those gemstone rocks, it is being filled with energetic properties that are very healing to ourselves. They're sending information to ourselves. That's that we're not getting when we drink that tap water. So we're missing that bioenergetic information. What we're getting instead is the information of the pipes that has come through the pharmaceuticals that the waters come in contact with the contaminants, the waters come in contact with the, whatever that has come in contact with that hasn't been healthy. That information is still in the water and it's sending a message to ourselves. So when we look at water, it's important to not just look at the chemistry of the water, but also the physics of the water, the bioenergetics of the water. Those are important aspects that I feel get overlooked. So well said. Yeah, there's so much to think about and to really reframe on this conversation and there's an opportunity to turn over this rock a little bit more around,  what is possible if we are properly. Hydrated and all the amazing benefits that can come on the other side of that. And certainly in this conversation, as it relates to, uh, some of the most basic of functioning of say our, um, hormonal properties and leading to, and lending us to get great sleep in the evenings. so as far as if we're, if we're all in alignment that okay, we there's more to this conversation, then where do you think is the best place for people to begin, uh, to start kind of re‑examining. Their relationship to water, kind of doing a water audit of what they, what they have right now, and then,  where they could begin to Uplevel and take on this skillset of great hydration. All right. So I'm going to say something that's going to be sounds so odd, but it doesn't even have anything to do with drinking water. I think the place that we can start that can be the most powerful is our thoughts, because our thoughts into frequency to our body. And if we look at the biochemistry of our body, 98.9% of the molecules in our body are water molecules. And they're receiving all information of the frequencies that they come in contact with. And the frequencies of our brain are so dynamic, so powerful and have this power to transmute any frequency that's already within our body. So in order to be dynamically healthy and at that elite. Level, we need to be thinking elite level thoughts. I couldn't be on the water that we're drinking. Let's start with our thoughts. Our thoughts, can affect the hydration in our body would go on to say, after we get a hold of taking inventory of our thoughts, the gratitude, the emotions, then we can go into the water and look at is the chemistry of the water. Correct. And then looking at the physics of the water. So let's start with the chemistry. When you take water from the tap. As we know most of the water from the tap, isn't chemically ideal. So what I like to do is use a reverse osmosis system or water distillation to remove all the chemical contaminants from the water. My favorite type of reverse osmosis system is Aqua true system because that system. It doesn't have a tank. If any of your listeners have children or they are personally immune compromised, you do not want to be drinking water out of a reverse osmosis system that has a holding tank, the holding tank. If you think about it, it's in a dark wet space. That how often is that tank fully cleared where there's no water in it? Probably not for years, because what happens is that holding tank holds water. Water. And then each day more and more water is getting put on top of the water. That's already sitting there. So you open up that whole holding tank and it's a microbiologists nightmare. You don't even want to look at it. It's scary, but most people don't know what's in there because it's dark and hidden and it's under the sink. But if you ha are immune compromised, you are especially going to be affected in a negative way by the, the organisms that are growing in that holding. So I really like awkward too, because it makes the water instantly. And then you just use it as you need it, but it is a reverse osmosis system and it is getting rid of the chemical contaminants in the water. So chemically, we want to clean our water, get rid of that. But then when we clean the water and we have this really pure water, it's so pure that our cells have difficulty. Drawing the water into the cell and getting intracellularly hydrated, because we need that osmotic balance between the extracellular fluid in the intracellular fluid and our extracellular fluid has minerals in it. And so in order to get it into the cell, we need to have minerals in the water. It is essential. The minerals, um, help hydrate us without minerals. We cannot properly hydrate and in our organic, um, Farming or sorry, commercial farming, even organic. We're not getting all of the trace elements that our body needs. Our blood plasma is identical to the mineral profile in the ocean. So if you look at the oceans mineral profile and what our blood plasma actually should look like, it's identical. So I love to get minerals from the ocean. There's these minerals called Keane Taun minerals. They have all 78 trace elements in them that feed our body so that our bio electrical system has that full charge and it's just it's fed. So I put those minerals into my reverse osmosis water to help give it a structure. Then now we want to look at the physics of the water, the bioenergetics of the water. I've cleansed the chemistry of. The water, but it's been imprinted with all of the information's come in contact with, through those pipes and the whole journey that it's taken to get to me. So what I like to do as a vortex, the water to remove any imprint that has been put into that water, cleanse it. And then the board texting brings back that, energetic imprint of life of movement into the water. So when I put it in my body, now I have this chemically clean water. It's chemically clean it's filled with minerals that are electrolytes that are going to charge that bioelectrical system in my body, as well as sending a message to every single cell that this is living water that is clean and pure, and that's the best water you can drink. Wow. Oh my goodness. Okay. So, cause that sounds incredible. And then, One, what is that process look like on a day‑to‑day basis? So you've already got the system. Um, so a lot of it's kind of the prep work of getting yourself, investing in, reverse osmosis water, and then ensuring you have quality minerals that you're putting back into that water. And then, uh, utilizing that vortex method, what is the vortex method look like for people that maybe this is all new to them? How do they, yeah, there's many methods to vortex. Water. Um, there's a lot of things on the market that are kind of pseudoscience too. So you really want to understand it. So you're not just buying something, that's not doing anything for you the one that I really like to use, there's a couple I like to use, but my favorite one is the UNMH device. It comes from it's a Austrian company, a German design, and there's a lot of clinical research backing. Their design, it's, it's beautiful too. It's 24 karat gold plated has all the crystals and died and Oh wow. A Nazi sacred geometry to Portex the water. It's amazing. It's you start using it and it speaks for itself. You will feel once your body yourself get hydrated, your joints start to feel juicy or you're sleeping better. You have more. Or energy, you realize your mood is enhanced. Your weight starts to level off and everything in your body starts to change. Since we are mostly water molecules. If we are making attention to that, we're going to notice this thing in our body starts to change. And I just get so excited about this. I could talk about it all day forever because it's, it's amazing. It's so dynamic water is it's life. It's everything. We are made so much of water. And so. The topic that if we start to think about it more and invest in it more, we're going to notice that our lives are going to improve in a really powerful way that we don't have to spend all this money on supplements and all of these extra things. Those are fun. I take tons of supplements. I love supplements, but once I got my water, right, I didn't need them. Like I thought I did so well said, Oh my gosh, I loved your passion on this topic. It's it's, you know, reverberating, um, And so, okay. So now you've helped create for us this, um, kind of blueprint that we can begin to see could be a whole new way to relating to our water. Um, and then could you help us break down some of these other elements that you might see your favorite biohacker utilizing? They've got, uh, pterygium depleted water. We've got the red lights. We got, you know, what is all this, how does that relate to water? Is that important? Um, Help us help guide us on that. Yeah. Okay. Well, there's so many fun things you can do with water. Like I mentioned before, water is this source receiver of all information that comes in contact with still playing sound bowls, like triple alchemy sound bowls of water can imprint the most vibrant healing frequencies into your water.  singing over your water, praying over your water. Dr. Emoto did a lot of research that really showed us how water received that information. It's just so exciting because like I also said, our bodies are made of so many water molecules that if we sing over our own body humming, singing, playing triple alchemy bowls, that's healing all of the water molecules in our body, sending a message to those molecules. So bio biohackers, people that are into health and wellness, they're experimenting with water and experimenting with all of the magical things that can happen when you play with it. Let's go into deuterium, depleted water. I'm so glad you brought that up because it's something that, um, I have been exclusively drinking for the last three and a half months and determined depleted water is water. That is depleted of deuterium. Deuterium is the heavy isotope of hydrogen. And, since it is a heavy isotope it's, it's D two O so in all water that we drink there, molecule. D2O and H D O in the water that you're drinking. So if you have a glass of water, those are the molecules that are going into your body. The problem with the D2O molecules is that they're very heavy and they're heavy on the nanomotors in your mitochondria. So think of your mitochondria has these little nanomotors inside of it, and it's breaking the nanomotors. Those nanomotors are breaking because it's too heavy. And the mitochondria is our energy source, right? That's where ADP ATP production comes from. So if we're losing mitochondria, we're having mitochondrial damage because of this D2O Oh, it's aging us. It's it's um, increasing aging. It's it's slowing down our life force, our energy source. We're dying earlier. They've looked at people that. Live in places where the deuterium levels are, are much lower than they are here right here, where we live in the United States in most parts of the world, um, hundred and 50 PPM, um, deuterium in all water. So most of our biochemistry has 150 parts per million of deuterium, where they've looked at people that have, I have lived in places with like 120 parts per million, even 130 parts. Million, um, they are living longer and their quality of life is, is much better than ours is. So do cheer. It's huge. And it's something that we're just really starting to pay attention to now, or it's becoming more mainstream. And so I've been doing it. And personally, I would say that I have more energy. I've also been noticing things happening inside my body. Like, just strange little things. Like, you know, you have this like little freckle or birthmark on your body and it's like all of a sudden it's starting to disappear and having more energy things that it's just like, Whoa, what's that what's going on? You know, your skin starts to get softer and it's fun. It's fun. I'm having a lot of fun experimenting with deuterium, depleted water. That's amazing. I love that you are sharing and bringing everyone along for the ride as you're experimenting with your own levels of hydration and. Understanding. And what's a, what does it look like to, what is the acquisition process of this? Are you creating it yourself through some of the longer, or are you purchasing it? How do you go about getting that? And if the average person wanted to, uh, go along on that experiment with you, what would that, what are some steps that they could take? Yeah, so it's not mainstream right now. It's very difficult to get to term depleted water. Um, there are people that are claiming they have deteriorated. And when you say deuterium depleted, I guess you could say that even if it's like depleted one part per million, right. But,  I'm drinking water. That's 10 parts per million, and there's only one place in the world that I know of, that that has the ability to deplete the deuterium to that level. And that's in Russia. And so this water that we're drinking is being shipped over from Russia to the United States. So it's not even something. That is made in the United States right now. It's, it's a very intricate process to deplete the water of deuterium. Wow. Well, that's an incredible, okay. Cause yeah, you can, if you try to find it online, and I've had a couple of clients that have taken the steps to Google and try to figure out, uh, some of the ways that they can get their hands on, you know, testing out this themselves and. There's seems to be confusion at the moment as to who to trust and then there's also reports of that. You can make your own and you it's a multifaceted process or you're freezing things and then draining things out and freezer more. Maybe you're going to deplete it one part per million, like I said, but it's just not worth the work. Right. Got that. Okay. I want to get your deuterium levels lower. You're going to need to start drinking deuterium, depleted water. That's true. I'm depleted. So, like I said, I'm thinking 10 parts per million. That's a significant jump from the water that comes from the top. That's probably about 150 parts per million. Wow. Okay. And then this source from Russia is that like a source that we could look into,  have they gotten to that? I can, I can put a link of where people can get the water. Uh, there's only enough for about 20,000 people in the world right now to consume it. And there's not, um, Enough supply for everybody to have it. And it is, it's an investment that you make in yourself. It's not something that's cheap and it's also not something you want to just try. Oh, I just want to drink a couple bottles. Cause it's not going to do anything for you. You need to really start drinking it for the rest of your life. And the only water I drink, I now make all my food at home, my own soups, because if you think about it, everything has water in it. Right? Soups, beverages, not milk. All of them. Those things I make. Luckily I did all of this before I started drinking to teach them to play and water. I've always made my own nut milk. I ate at home pretty much 90% of the time I have my own garden and food and I sustain everything here. But for people that eat out, drink out, beverages out, out at places, get coffee, different places. It's really hard to maintain that lifestyle. So it's a commitment. It is literally like I'm committing to my health. I'm committing to my life. And I'm real OJ about this. And so, you know, I'm the water queen, this is my life, you know what I mean? It's like, I'm going to do this because first of all, I want to share what it's, what it does for me, so that I can have that anecdotal experience to share as well as I just want to know. I'm curious. Absolutely. Oh my goodness so many questions. Uh, okay. So then even. You touched on, um, cause you make a fantastic point when I think there's so many topics that many of us have, are not thinking about as regularly, as certainly as you're thinking about it.  I love it. You mentioned the, the nut milks and the coffees and I'm sure too being mindful of some of these things that can actually deplete our hydration, um, like the caffeinated products and what have you, is that something that you also advocate that we really think twice about, um, ingesting on a regular basis? I love that question. A lot of people love their coffee in the morning and their green tea, and you know, it is dehydrating. It does dehydrate the body. I've been one of those humans. It's super strange and I never drank caffeine. I never had an interest in it. Um, and so I'm really sensitive when I do drink it. And when I drink even green tea, I can see in my face how it changes, like how my face. It looks, it doesn't even look as full or plump or hydrated. I was looking at a picture of myself. Um, I had gone to this birthday party and I drank two cups of green tea. And I was like, wow, my face looks so different. I look tired. I don't look as vibrant. And so, yeah. I mean, personally, I can see a difference when I drink caffeine. Absolutely. Wow. But some people, you know, they love it. I'm going to say, don't drink it. I mean, come on. If, if that brings so much joy to your life and, and I know that coffee brings so much joy and it's a place that people connect and commune and it's like, it's a lifestyle. So wouldn't say that you can't drink it. It's just, how are you going to offset that? Are you getting enough minerals? And are you drinking water? Are you getting enough? Sunlight? Are you getting enough? Grounding enough. Moving, getting all those things that are helping augment hydration on the backend. Then if you are you're, you know, it's fine. It's just it's opportunity cost, right? Yeah. We didn't ever being dogmatic about anything. You can't do this, you have to do that. Right. Everyone's unique. Everyone's life is unique and we're all going to make those choices of what feels right for us. Like yeah. Yeah. Caffeine does make a difference for sure. Yes, no, no. And it's so well said. And also because I love that you're, making this point that this is really a lifestyle. That you've committed to, and you're really helping to illustrate what's possible, for all of us, if we were to up level our relationship to hydration. so one acknowledging you for doing that. Cause it's fantastic. I can't think of many other people that are making such,  a commitment or declaration around that. So that's fantastic. And then, of course, some of these other things around, kind of trendy, biohackers, Things, uh, when you see people use red light along with their water, could you share with us if that's a must or if that w uh, what the thought process is behind that? And if that's anything we should also be including on our, on our list of things around our hydration. Yeah. So some lights, red lights that is really important for helping ourselves to uptake. Utilize actually charged the cells. And so that, that are, were adequate adequately hydrated. sunlight is essential for that. So biohackers are using red light therapy. Yeah, that's great. It does help with, um, with helping to charge everything inside the body so that our mitochondria and the cells are able to do what they need to do. but I just did an interview actually with my friend, Matt Maruca he is like the light guy. Totally. Yeah, Instagram, I think it's like the light diet or something of the diet of the adjusting light. And so we had the most fun conversation talking about. What's more fascinating. Yeah. He's like the expert on that. And, um, but  I have really. Come up with these, these pillars of modern wellness, there are these nine pillars that are required to be well in the modern world because we live in a world right now. That's unique that people weren't living in a hundred years ago, right. We have all of this dirty EMF that we're exposed to. We have limited amount of minerals in our food. We're not going outside as much as we used to. We're indoors more. Uh we're seditary we're not moving as much as we did back then. So, what it took to be healthy a hundred years ago is different. So in this modern world that we're in right now, we, one of my pillars is sunlight. And so if we don't have enough sunlight, we are not going to be adequately hydrated, or we are going to get that water into our system, but we won't have that electrical charge for it to be able to be activated. So the sunlight activates hydration and is essential for it. And I love red light therapy. Because most of us aren't going out as the sun's rising and getting that, that, um, red light. And then, you know, the S the sunrise and the sunset are the most powerful times to be in the sun. We don't necessarily want to be sitting in the sun. Well, I don't think that it's good to sit in the sun, right. At noon. You know, when the sun is like straight over your head, it's great to do it when the sun's rising and setting at night. And to get that in the back of your retina as well. Well to look at the sunrise and the sunset that's super healing. Ah, so great. Oh my God. We're so aligned and such a wonderful lifestyle to, uh, shift into. I, I, that's why I think initially when people might hear of some of these things, it might occur as, Oh my God. Such work so many things to do, but once you tap into this, it's the feeling I would say. It's like, you get addicted to feeling good. And then suddenly it's not worse. Like that cost that you were then. Analogy of kind of the cost benefit. t's just not worth some of those things that mainstream, kind of status quo would have us hearkening to so really, really great stuff. a couple of questions too. I have, um, a lot of clients that are coming to sleep as a skill and we are working with, uh, contrast therapy. So, uh, cold therapy and heat therapy, and it's a lot of hydrotherapy essentially in order to get that. So, um, it might be. If they don't have access to saunas, um, utilizing hot baths, cold bath showers, what have you, but the challenge being that so many people are in wherever they're in high rise, apartments, all of these places that might not be as conducive to the ability to have a whole water system available.  can they at least begin, do you recommend at least beginning on outfitting, all of your, um, kind of faucets and what have you with filters or is that sort of, you know, just kind of. Throwing,  just a little, is it even, is it going to make a real lasting difference? What are your thoughts on some of that? I'm really glad that you brought that up, Molly, because there are a lot of filters on the market that are something that you can attach to your shower, head, or your bathtub. And I'm going to tell you that there is no filter that is going to, that, that you can attach to your shower head that will work. Actively because it's coming, it's passing through too quickly. So those, those don't work. Robert Slovak is a good friend of mine and he's done a lot of research on this and he is a strong advocate in saying that these do not work. You're wasting your money because of the time that it's taking. So when you have a water filtration system, if they able to go through the whole process and sit there and take it's time to fill it. Or the water, but when you have it going through a shower, head is just like passing through and like matter of seconds, right. It can't, it doesn't, it doesn't filter everything, all the contaminants.  there's actually, gosh, I can't remember the specific contaminant I'm going to have to look it up and get back to you, but sure. There's a, there's a specific chemical that's in a lot of the water that is causing birth defects as well as, causing. A lot of women not to be able to get pregnant. And,  this is in the water and a lot of the filtration companies are saying that it's being filtered through these water filters and it's just not. So there is a YouTube show. There's a YouTube webinar that I did with Robert Slovak. And we went into depth on this and it's on my YouTube channel and Tracy dues.  if you just look up Tracy, do's on YouTube, you'll see it. And. We go into depth about these shower filters. Oh, wow. Okay. Really, really great. And one of the things that I'm getting with you is just some of the importance of  really one committing to this lifestyle around thinking differently, thinking,  putting a little more depth into our understanding of our hydration and maybe even making some of those challenging choices, around, proper investments in our health and wellbeing, whether it relates to the sourcing of yeah. Water,  and, or really evaluating if the space that you're in is conducive to the high levels of health and wellbeing that you're looking to achieve and so maybe some of these, current dwellings in,  you know, whether it's a big city or what have you, some of these apartment buildings, uh, really thinking twice about what's the setup is there. And as much as you can shift that end, or maybe choosing elsewhere, uh, if that's, you know, Your environment is huge. I mean, it isn't, it is a huge part of your health, your external environment, as well as your internal mental environment. I would say those are two of the biggest things that can greatly impact our health. My own personal story is a huge, is a huge testimony to that. And I think it's one of the reasons why I'm so passionate about teaching, about water and the vibration of water and the vibration. One of our thoughts and how important they are, because it can literally transmute your health from being very sick, going down the rabbit hole, having all of your labs completely coming backwards, like just one thing, leading to another, to changing your thoughts and changing your water and having everything start to go into centropy and upgrade as opposed to entropy. And it's, it's amazing how it sounds so simple and it really. Really is simple, but how it can change everything in your life. And I just want everybody to know that it doesn't have to be hard. Health does not have to be hard. There is hope. And the hope starts within you. The hope starts with your thoughts. The hope starts with your perception, the way you look at the world, the way you look mostly the way you look at yourself, the way you see your own self, the way you receive yourself, the way you love yourself, that is going to make the most impact on. In your life. And once we can get that, then I think that's where the world's going to start to cheat. Oh, I love that. You know, this is making me so happy because part of the reason I started sleep as a skill in the first place was really solving my own problem from when I had a whole real breakdown around my sleep and I just wasn't sleeping. And the journey that I went through during that, and I think one of the most important lessons that I came to is exactly what you're sharing. And I think we have to be almost reminded of that on a daily basis. There could be having the opportunity to remind Oh, right. It comes from within. Um, and that's such a great foundational place to begin. so I could talk to you all day. I just, I love your energy and commitment and I'm clear that anyone listening to this is absolutely going to want to know more about how they can go deeper with you on these topics that you're really opening up for us. So what are some of the ways that people can, I know you mentioned the YouTube channel.  I had found you or been connected with you on Instagram. You got a lot on there. You've got so much, as far as resources, the sanctuary share with us, what are some of the best ways to stay connected? Yeah, so I'm really active on Instagram. If you want to connect with me there, I'm doing a lot of posts. I also have my own podcast, which is called the hydrate podcast. Hydrate with Tracy dues is the podcast. And, um, we post something every week, every morning. At seven, every Friday morning at 7:00 AM. We have a new show coming out and it has all everything to do with hydration and just health and wellness, how to be well in the modern world. if you want to reach out to me, you can also go to my That's spelled T R a C Y, and then D U H S. So great. Yes, absolutely. Definitely check out her podcast. Uh, so I mean, if you even sure you've got the sense that there's. So much more, I mean, beautiful person externally, and also internally of all that, you're sharing all of that. You're all the knowledge and all the passion that you're putting into this, um, so much can be discovered on that podcast. And I will also be checking out that YouTube. So we'll make sure we have links to all that you shared in here. So thank you so much for your time, uh, for sharing your passion on this way of living. It's really making thank you for having me on your show, Molly. I feel so honored. I look forward to connecting with you again soon. Absolutely.