The Sleep Is A Skill Podcast

164: Dr. Scott Sherr, COO of Troscriptions, Unique Sleep (& Energy) Supplement & Delivery Method You Need To Know About!

Episode Summary

Dr. Scott Sherr is a Board Certified Internal Medicine Physician Certified to Practice Health Optimization Medicine (HOMe) and a specialist in Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT). He the founder of HOMe-SF, the first HOMe clinic in the United states, and is also the Chief Operating Officer of Health Optimization Medicine and Practice (HOMe/HOPe)–USA, a nonprofit education company pioneered training doctors and healthcare practitioners how to detect and correct the root causes of health, not disease. In addition, Dr. Scott is also COO of Smarter Not Harder, the for-profit arm of HOMeHOPe. SNH is the company behind Troscriptions, a line of buccal troches that are Democratizing Enlightenment by addressing the bottlenecks along the path to optimal health. They have three products on the market now including Blue Cannatine, Just Blue, and Tro Calm. Dr. Scott’s clinical practice includes HOMe as it’s foundation plus an integrative approach to hyperbaric oxygen therapy that includes cutting edge and dynamic HBOT protocols, comprehensive laboratory testing (using the HOMe framework), targeted supplementation, personal practices, synergistic technologies (new and ancient), and more. He has also consulted on a number of wellness projects including the Bulletproof Lab (LA), Remedy Place (LA), LMS Wellness (London), Beyond Clinic (Australia), and many others. Dr. Scott lives in Louisville, CO with his wife and his 4 children.

Episode Notes

Dr. Scott Sherr is a Board Certified Internal Medicine Physician Certified to Practice Health Optimization Medicine (HOMe) and a specialist in Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT).

He the founder of HOMe-SF, the first HOMe clinic in the United states, and is also the Chief Operating Officer of Health Optimization Medicine and Practice (HOMe/HOPe)–USA, a nonprofit education company pioneered training doctors and healthcare practitioners how to detect and correct the root causes of health, not disease. 

In addition, Dr. Scott is also COO of Smarter Not Harder, the for-profit arm of HOMeHOPe.  SNH is the company behind Troscriptions, a line of buccal troches that are Democratizing Enlightenment by addressing the bottlenecks along the path to optimal health. They have three products on the market now including Blue Cannatine, Just Blue, and Tro Calm. 

Dr. Scott’s clinical practice includes HOMe as it’s foundation plus an integrative approach to hyperbaric oxygen therapy that includes cutting edge and dynamic HBOT protocols, comprehensive laboratory testing (using the HOMe framework), targeted supplementation, personal practices, synergistic technologies (new and ancient), and more.

He has also consulted on a number of wellness projects including the Bulletproof Lab (LA), Remedy Place (LA), LMS Wellness (London), Beyond Clinic (Australia), and many others. 

Dr. Scott lives in Louisville, CO with his wife and his 4 children.



😴 Dr. Sherr’s journey from internal medicine to integrative health optimization

😴 The foundation of Health Optimization Medicine in Practice  (HOMe/HOPe)–USA

😴  Importance of chronobiology and metabolomics in understanding sleep issues

😴  Troscriptions: Bridging the gap for immediate health optimization

😴  Blue Cannatine for focus and energy

😴  TrueCalm for Stress and Relaxation

😴  The innovative approach of Troscriptions and HomeHope

😴  Importance of finding the right dosage for troches

😴  Managing sleep interruptions

😴  Importance of mitochondrial health and the role of products like Methylene Blue

😴  Pavlovian response for optimizing sleep quality

😴  What can we learn from Dr. Sherr’s sleep-night habits?

😴 Check out Troscriptions  👉 10% off  Code: sleepisaskill

😴 And more!

🧠 If you “Can’t Turn Your Brain Off” at night…​

🧘 Need help meditating /HRV?! Check out my new favorite tool that you literally hold in your hand and feel it breathe with you, like a baby bird 🐤 Moonbird  Code: SLEEPISASKILL

🛌 Can't afford a cooling mattress pad? Let me introduce you to Muslin Comfort's oversized blankets—Oprah-approved luxury that keeps your temperature just right, all year long. Perfect for those who seek the cool side of the pillow, but not the price tag of high-end cooling bedding. Code: SLEEPISASKILL **20% OFF

🚴 The Biohacker’s Bike — Need a no-excuses, 5-minute workout (!) that's exceptionally effective for managing glucose levels and building sleep pressure—outperforming others in its category for quick fitness results?! The Carol Bike has become my go-to. Code: SLEEPISASKILL **$100 OFF

🪟 Ublockout Can you still see your hand in front of your face when you are in bed? Well, you NEED to know about this company that will get on a Zoom call with you and help you measure your windows for a custom AND affordable blackout solution! Code: SLEEPISASKILL​



Instagram: @Troscriptions

Twitter: Troscriptions 

LinkedIn: Troscriptions



The information contained in this podcast, our website, newsletter, and the resources available for download are not intended to be medical or health advice and shall not be understood or construed as such. The information contained on these platforms is not a substitute for medical or health advice from a professional who is aware of the facts and circumstances of your individual situation.

Episode Transcription

Welcome to the sleep as a skill podcast. My name is Mollie Eastman. I am the founder of sleep as a skill, a company that optimizes sleep through technology, accountability, and behavioral change. As an ex sleep sufferer turned sleep course creator, I am on a mission to transform the way the world thinks.

sleep. Each week, I'll be interviewing world class experts ranging from researchers, doctors, innovators and thought leaders to give actionable tips and strategies that you can implement to become a more skillful sleeper. Ultimately, I believe that living a circadian aligned lifestyle is going to be one of the biggest trends in wellness, and I'm committed to keep improving it.

being you up to date on all the things that you can do today to transform your circadian health and by extension, allowing you to sleep and live better than ever before.

Welcome to the sleep is a skill podcast. We don't do a ton of episodes. on supplements. I know a lot of people come our way and they say, just give me the sleep supplement that I can use to get to sleep, stay asleep, all the things. We honestly don't do a ton of episodes for a reason, because I believe with every ounce of my being, that so much of what we can do to support our sleep is often behavioral, environmental, and nature, and largely free and low cost.

However, There are absolutely certain things that we want to be aware of that might serve us depending on our particular goals with our sleep, particular situations. And I always want to keep you abreast of the latest and greatest and things that are really kind of breaking the mold. And today's guest is Always someone that I go to, to be informed on some of the latest and greatest in both ways to optimize energy by day, but then also support downregulation at night via different types of out of the box supplements and really things that are not on the market that you can't get other places.

So that's why I want to take the time to have you be aware of some of these offerings from. Someone is truly a pioneer in this space. Now for a little context, I'm gearing up to be taking the world's longest flight from New York to Singapore. It's almost 19 hours. So I'm absolutely going to be bringing along all the tips, tricks, supplements, stacks that I can possibly have at my disposal.

So I can set myself up powerfully  to minimize and mitigate some of the Very common experiences that people have when they go on such a long haul travel and they often feel awful. Well, some of the things that we get into on the podcast are going to be the things that I personally am going to be using.

And I want you to be aware of. So a little information about our guests. Dr. Scott Shear is a board certified internal medicine physician certified to practice health optimization medicine, a specialist in hyperbaric oxygen therapy, and COO of Troscriptions,  a quote, sparner, not harder company. His clinical telepractice  includes health optimization medicine, As its foundation alongside an integrative approach to hyperbaric oxygen therapy that includes cutting edge and dynamic hyperbaric oxygen therapy protocols, comprehensive testing, targeted supplementation, personal practices, synergistic technologies, and more.

new ancient psychedelic and so much more. I know you're going to be really, really interested in today's conversation. We touch on things like methylene blue and how that might be useful for your days for supporting mitochondrial function. We talk a lot about how You really want to be minding your mitochondria if you're in the game of improving your sleep, and methylene blue is really noteworthy in that game.

Additionally, we look at some of the potential down regulatory supplements with their unique ingredients. Stacks that TrueScriptions has put together, and they have also hooked us up with a code sleep is a skill. If you're interested in testing out some of these. Now, again, this is not a sponsored podcast.

It's not a paid podcast. This is simply an episode that I want to get to you because these are things that I'm using to support my own health and sleep. And I want you to know about these when the time might apply.

So, let's jump into the episode, but first, a few words from our crucial sponsors. They truly keep this podcast going, so please take a moment to check them out. If you're listening to this podcast, you're likely looking to improve your sleep. And one of the first places that many people begin when they talk to me about sleep is they want to know what's the supplement I can take.

Well, I got to say, I honestly don't take that many supplements nowadays for my sleep. And I'm very grateful for that. A lot of things you can do for free. However, one of the supplements that I do consistently take and have taken for ages is magnesium, specifically magnesium breakthrough. It's an all natural supplement that helps you reduce fatigue and sleep more peacefully.

It even strengthens muscle and improves your heart and brain function. So while most magnesium supplements aren't full spectrum, magnesium breakthrough is the only magnesium supplement on the market that contains the optimal ratio of all three. All seven essential types of magnesium. So imagine having the strength and energy to get out of bed every morning and face the day boldly, courageously, to be able to show up as your best self and keep that energy up throughout the day and into the night.

So if you want to give it a try, go to biooptimizers. com forward slash sleep is a skill and you can use the code. Sleep is a skill to get gifts with purchase up to two travel sized bottles of magnesium breakthrough. So you want to act fast on this. It's a limited time offer. Again, go to buy optimizers.

com forward slash sleep is a skill. And I think you're going to be pleasantly surprised by the results.  Today, I'm very excited to introduce you to Moonbird, a pioneering biofeedback device that's revolutionizing the way we approach sleep, and they have just sponsored sleep as a skill. So in the realm of sleep science, stress management is always key, and Moonbird leverages the science of heart rate variability, or HRV, which, you know, we're talking about all the time on this podcast, and it leverages it in a way to combat sleep disturbances caused by stress.

This innovative device isn't just for relaxation, it's a tool to activate your body's natural sleep mechanism. So according to a significant study in Psychophysiology in 2015,  paced breathing, which is facilitated Transcripts provided by Transcription Outsourcing, LLC. sleep aid. It's a scientifically grounded tool for managing stress and achieving deeper, more restorative sleep.

Now for listeners who want to transform their sleep patterns, Moonbird combines cutting edge technology with proven scientific strategies. So you can visit moonbird. life and use the code sleep as a skill for Special discount. And just a quick aside, I am using my moon bird every single day, and it's made a profound difference in how I'm managing my stress and improving my own ability to manage my health and wellbeing through heart rate variability technology.

If you want great sleep, you've got to get your temperature right, which is why I'm so grateful to have partnered with Muslim Comfort, home of the viral temperature regulating 365 blanket. Created by a real mom battling postpartum night sweats, blankets are meticulously crafted from 100 percent muslin cotton to provide a perfect blend of softness and breathability.

So no more restless nights, sweating, tossing and turning. Muslim Comfort is designed for hot and cold sleepers. It's temperature regulating and oversized to ensure that your sleep is not interrupted. Additionally, Muslim Comfort offers a 30 night risk free trial, no questions asked. And beyond that, this part was really important to me, affordability.

We understand that not everyone has access to high end cooling mattresses or mattress toppers. So Muslim Comfort Emerges as the perfect solution, providing a breathable and comfortable alternative at a fraction of the cost. And now for the exciting part, Muslim comfort has brought us an exclusive offer.

If you head on over to  muslincomfort. com and use the code sleep 20 for an amazing 20 percent discount on your first order. That is right. 20 percent off to get better sleep. Again, remember temperature is key to getting great sleep, and this could be your path to controlling your temperature on your terms.

And welcome to the sleep as a skill podcast. We have a treat here today. Dr. Scott, who actually happens to have a radio voice. So in case you need to be lulled off to sleep, we,  we have the solution for you. Dr. Scott, thank you so much for taking the time to be here. Well, it's a pleasure to be here. And I'll even go lower for your audience.

That's helpful. I mean, this is a sleep podcast and everything. So.  Don't be driving. When boys, Oh, it's like silk. I'm going to try not to be distracted with that amazing voice. All right. We'll start singing for you unless you want me to. Amazing. Well, we know you got the energy for days, given the company that you run, the things that you help people be supported in and the education that you have in particular, in this realm of sleep optimization, chronobiology, I mean, there is just so much for us to touch on in a short period of time.

So maybe we'll just jump right in into how in the world did you find yourself at the helm of a company that has such innovative kind of products and things that we can learn about to help support our, not only our sleep, but our energy. Tell us the story. Sure. I guess the short story is that I'm an internal medicine physician that grew up with a crazy father who's a chiropractor, so very out of the box.

And so I was always looking for ways to.  Go through my career as I got through training to look for integrative ways and alternative ways of doing things. So it's never just follow the right, the path that everybody else is following, for example. That's something that I never knew about. And as I was creating my own integrative practice, I was looking for a foundation for it.

And I met a guy named Dr. Ted Autricoso back in 2016,  who created something called Health Optimization Medicine in Practice. And it's a nonprofit organization now that's training practitioners on how to optimize health rather than treat disease. And it really fit into my framework of how I thought about.

health and disease and illness in the sense that many of us were missing the boat in the clinical world because we were just treating disease or just even treating just the root cause of disease without looking at more optimization strategies and looking at the basic stuff, foundational stuff. This is everything from sleep, of course, but also looking at metabolic function, looking at epigenetics, looking at your mitochondria in more detail, looking at your toxins in your environment and doing it in a very holistic way that kind of set disease aside and just focused on optimizing health.

And when you do that, The beneficial side effects is that a lot of the other things that you're dealing with, the symptoms, the conditions, the issues, magically, in quotes, go away because you're really just working on that foundational stuff. And that whole framework was really, really, was really important for my own progress in my own world of evolution of how I was treating patients and clients in my own clinical practice.

And over the last several years, I do this, and then I have a great time working with people remotely doing it.  And the non profit organization is now training practitioners of all types, doctors, non doctors, in the same framework, using a seven module certification course, one of them being chronobiology, of course.

And as a result of that company and that framework, we knew that we needed people to have. Effect now for things when you're optimizing people's health. This can take a long time. It's not something that typically can happen overnight, and it typically happens over much longer periods of time. We often like to say it took you 40 years to get to where you are.

You can't expect that tomorrow. You're going to feel better. So what are the things you can do right now? to help optimize your health and help you feel better while you're on that longer path to truly optimizing over the long term for a sustainable future of health span of lifespan of of all those kinds of things that people care about.

Right? So transcriptions was born. The company transcriptions was born to help you optimize or help you right now while you're on that longer path to optimization. And one of the things we've obviously focused on as being a major issue, as you will know, is sleep along with focus, along with anxiety,  Mitochondrial function and others.

Oh, incredible. And I wonder actually, too, because I would love to learn more. You mentioned the non profit and the ability for practitioners to have this really cutting edge information available to them and to be able to weave into their practices. I wonder if you could just underscore what are the steps for people to it's home hope.

org. Is that accurate? That's right. Yes. So it's health optimization, medicine, and practice or home hope for short. And the website is home hope. org. And there we have our seven module certification course with two advanced practice modules as well. One on cannabis and one on peptides, but our Or is a seven module certification.

The main module is something called metabolomics, which is the study of metabolism or how our bodies are working in the sense of vitamins, minerals, nutrients, and how it's all working on the cellular level. What happens is we have all these different things in our inside of our body and outside of our body that work together.

in the cells to help you make energy effectively, to help you detox well, or not, depending on what you have going on. And so you can measure all this stuff. And actually one of the main additional modules, chronobiology, is actually significantly related to metabolomics because what you can actually be able to do in clinical practice is understand, at least significantly, A lot of the time, why people may be having sleep issues, looking at metabolomic levels of various types of neurotransmitters, or vitamins, minerals, or nutrients, or toxic levels of things, or oxidative stress, which is the balance of your body's ability to detoxify, which is very important at night.

And if you can't do that well, you're not going to sleep well. For example, that's something called your glymphatic system, which I'm sure you've talked about. Many of the times, many of the times, much of the time whatever the word, right, we're just saying that,  it's very important. So sleep is important for a lot of different reasons, lymphatic circulation is one of them.

So the idea with the module on chronobiology is to say, as a clinician, how can I look at this objectively? I mean, there's certainly, there's Things that you can do, uh, non objectively, like getting your sleep routine done and all the things that you talk about. But if you give people data, oftentimes this is another way of leveraging, okay, like this is one, something I really need to take care of if I'm really going to optimize my sleep.

So my neurotransmitter levels are all out of whack. My, my, my serotonin levels are really, really low or really, really high, or my epinephrine, norepinephrine levels are skyrocketing. How am I ever going to sleep with those kinds of things? Do I have the amino acids that can really make some of these neurotransmitters?

They're going to help. Give me the sleep balance and GABA being a big one that we talk about and is in some of our sleep, is in our sleep products and also in our anxiousness product as well, because most of us these days are GABA deficient. And this could be related to the amino acid glutamine, for example, or the conversion of glutamine to its active form, which is called glutamate.

And then glutamate is our glutamate.  Is there a neurotransmitter in our brain that helps with it's an excitatory neurotransmitter. It's actually the most common neurotransmitter in your brain. And then it's the balance between glutamate and GABA that's really important. And you can look at the balance there being affected by your vitamin B6 and your magnesium level, for example.

So.  We can do a lot of things without doing any of this stuff. Don't get me wrong. You don't have to know a lot of this stuff to get your sleep dialed into significant degree. But as a clinician, you can take people to that next level if you have some of this data to play with. Oh, so important. And just so grateful to hear that you've created something so impactful to help support practitioners.

And I had the opportunity, I know this was years back and I know all kinds of iterations, but I had the opportunity to check out some of your chronobiology training and it was just fantastic and so robust. And it just makes such a difference because, unfortunately, we hear some of the standardized responses from many practitioners not knowing any better, oh, of course, well, CBTI and certain paths you can take, which are really fantastic options, and yet, so missing out and, um, stepping over and delegitimizing the process.

The fact that there are very much so these physiological processes at play beyond simply the psychological and, of course, interplay. I so love that you have set this up and one of the things that I think of with your company, so, you know, with our Podcast. We've shifted away from a lot of products in our conversation.

And yet one of the reasons that I wanted to have you all on is because it just stands outside of how I think about a lot of kind of supplement companies or what have you, because it's just such cutting edge information. Just for one, Dr. Ted, I mean, I think of it's such a wild futurist in yourself as well, having worked with Kurzweil and what have you.

You know, on the list to get a flying car and just ridiculous out of the box. Dr. Ted, not me. Yes. Yeah. Dr. Ted, exactly. Right.  We got to get you a flying car. I mean, what's going on? Well, I mean, it's on my list, but probably a little bit further down the list. Probably take getting my kids through college first would be kind of important.

Yeah. I totally understand. Oh, look, now I've got my thumbs up.  But that's the key with our, with our company in general. And we've talked about this, Mollie, is that. We are not the types of clinicians. That's the thing. Like there's four docs on the team, including me, that started transcriptions and the whole faculty really at Home Hope is clinical in base.

Like most of us are MDs. Many of us are non health care, non licensed healthcare practitioners as well. And we know there's, there's a lot of people in the coaching world that really are looking for more data driven. practice where they can find a framework and they can use a framework. And it's not just about the subjective measures, but it's be about the objective data driven measures that not, maybe not just in wearables.

Obviously there's lots of different wearables that people can use and, and products. But like one of the things that we often say is that we hope you don't need our products all the time and not for the longterm, unless you need them for targeted reasons. You know, for example, for me, like our sleep product, it's, I love it when I travel, but I don't need something to help me sleep typically when I'm at home, if I have my routines down and I'm doing well.

But if you're having a hard time for, for some reason at home, it's a great way to reset the system if you're traveling. So the idea with all of our products,  maybe with the exception of just blue, which is our pure methylene blue product, which we can talk about if you want at the, at some point I think are more for targeted reasons in the sense of you can really work on foundational measures, lifestyle, diet.

You shouldn't need our stuff all the time, or at least not.  For a long period of time in general, so that, I mean, that's different from most supplement companies and I can tell you. A hundred percent. Yes. And I've recommended your products for very specific reasons. And some of the, we did chat about this before we hit record.

One thing that might be noteworthy for people is We talk a lot about some of the things that seem to sabotage people's sleep, if you will, and often it can be very just banal, innocuous steps and behavioral components. So alcohol, THC, things of state changing nature, you know, we want to shift when to feel like we're off or kind of let off some steam or what have you.

And so some of those traditional paths that people might take, thinking that that's some of their only options to experience a state change. When we introduce things like some of your products that can have them shift feeling different and yet be an alternative. It's one of the most amazing things because suddenly now they have another resource and they're probably now that's not the only reason that you would use this.

But I really have seen that to be a cool option for people and not mess with how they're feeling, how they're sleeping. So I'm wondering if we could talk about what would some of those components be for that state change piece of some of your products? Yeah. Stage change is interesting. I mean, that's what people want.

That's what people, uh, they kind of fiend for, right? And they want that feeling very quickly. And then, so if you can give them  better options and not ones that's going to trash their sleep or trash their, their focus, for example, you can see a lot of significant benefits. So we have a couple different products in this capacity.

I think that the one that we have, that's probably the most interesting for focus is something called Blue Canatine. And this is one that we use a lot for productivity for focus.  For, you know, getting shit done really. And it's only going to work for about three to five hours, you know, only compared to something else that you might take like caffeine, which has a half life of much longer than that.

And also the Adderalls and stimulants of the world, which have typically have much longer half life and come with a lot more side effects along the way. So the deal with all of our products really, Molly, is that We try to go for as low dose as we can with a number of different products or ingredients all in the same product.

And so as a result of that, you have, so for example, in blue canadine, you have very low dose nicotine, you have low dose caffeine, you have low dose methylene blue, and you have low dose CBD. And so people get worried about a lot of caffeine for sleep trashing, for example, but this just has 50 milligrams in a full trochee, which is about a quarter cup of coffee.

And if you're not a very slow metabolizer, if you finish by three o'clock in the afternoon, you should be good for the most part. And nicotine is a very short acting drug. And in our compound here and in blue canteen, it's, we're using one milligram in a full trochee.  The average dose is about a half a trochee, by the way, for blue ketatine.

And then nicotine's fantastic, especially if you're not vaping it or smoking it, because it doesn't have the addictive capacity if you're not doing it that way, because it's a slow release as a trochee, which is a dissolvable lozenge. A trochee is the formula that we use or the delivery device that we use at transcriptions.

It's a lozenge that dissolves between your upper cheek and gum. It takes about 15 to 30 minutes. And what's nice about a trochee is that it goes directly into your circulation in the vascular circulation in your brain. So you're feeling it about 15 to 30, 15 minutes. 15 to 30 minutes as opposed to swallowing, which takes longer.

And also when you swallow your, your trophies or any supplements, really, it's going to take longer to get through the system. And also many of the ingredients will be deactivated to some degree because of digestion. The liver likes to detoxify and then it detoxifies our supplements and the bioavailability goes down and things like that.

So anyway, so for, for Blue canine.  low dose nicotine, low dose caffeine, and CBD and methylene blue. And CBD, everybody knows already because it's been well described as an, as helps with anxiety, helps with stress. It works on a neurotransmitter system in the body, in the brain called, um, anandamide.

Anandamide is a, is a neurotransmitter that helps with, um, making you feel blissful. And calm and the more of that we have, we typically feel more of that. It's also neuroprotective. It's a CBD allows that to stay around for a little bit longer. Um, and then we have methylene blue in the formula and methylene blue is a fantastic mitochondrial optimizer.

It helps with energy production, but it not only does it help with energy production, it also helps with detoxification. So it's kind of a, it's kind of. Two packs of two punch, which is very unusual for these kinds of things. Usually something's going to give you energy or it's going to give you, um, detoxification capacity.

It's not going to give you both.  Something gives you energy will typically make you make, make more energy. At the same time, you have to deal with all that energy that you make.  When we make energy, we don't just make energy. We also make what are called by products or waste products in quotes of making energy.

And these are called reactive oxygen species or oxidative stress free radicals. It's all the same name for different names for the same things. So anyway, so methane blue has this ability to.  cycle electrons,  give you more energy, give you more detoxification. So blue kinetine's got this fantastic ability for giving you more energy, nicotine, caffeine, methylene blue, but also protecting you at the same time with methylene blue doing that as well as along with the CBD in there too.

So it doesn't give you a crash. It doesn't give you a comedown. There's really no addictive capacity to it and it can take the place of a lot of other stimulants. So it gives you that state change without trashing your sleep later in that evening, for example. Oh, so, so awesome and appreciate you breaking that down because often it does take some education when I share for people about this concept of particularly the nicotine can throw people I often experience and seeing that that can be a a real shift for people and actually have some, I mean, we don't have time for it in this podcast, but having some additional benefits across the board is just really a fascinating ingredient.

So the fact that you've blended that in, and to your point, it's such a low dose in alignment with these other really more innovative products, it's really noteworthy. And then you also have the TrueCalm,  which I also see for some people of bringing in instead of alcohol, right? While they're Yeah. Yeah.

And maybe some of the reasons why people might do that might be noteworthy. Yeah. I mean, this is, this is going to the GABA system here. So the TROCOM was designed for anxiety, for stress, and it was designed as being that state change for people that have anxiety or stress and, or need to wind down in the evening when they finished their work.

And they're trying to find an alternative for something like alcohol, which we all know trashes our sleep. And the nice thing about TROCOM is that it has four different ingredients that are supporting the GABA system, but they're doing it in a holistic way here in different locations in different varieties.

So we have two cannabinoids. We have CBD and CBG, which are both non psychoactive. CBD, we already spoke about. CBG is probably my favorite cannabinoid. It's not psychoactive. It works on pain. It works on metabolism. It works on temperature sensation. It's very interesting. It works on anxiety as well.  So I think CBG is going to one that we're going to be seeing over the next decade is going to be probably the prominent, uh, cannabinoid other than CPD,  maybe all for the next, before that, probably the next three to five years.

And so CBG and CBD are working on the, what's called the endocannabinoid system, which is a system in our body that helps maintain balance.  But it's also working on the GABA system as well. They both are working on the GABA system at the same time as they're working on the endocannabinoid system.  And then you have KAVA in there.

So, KAVA is well known as a medicinal plant from the South Pacific that works on the GABA system. And then we have something called nicotinogaba, which is a vitamin B3 attached to a GABA molecule. Now, the problem with taking GABA supplements, and you've probably talked about this on your podcast, is that GABA supplements don't typically work.

Gab is a big molecule. It doesn't get across the blood brain barrier very easily. If you do have an effect with GABA supplements, it may be that you have something called a leaky brain. Now don't get scared. Leaky brain is just the same thing as a leaky gut. The gut is not. Transcribed Keeping things out of your system.

The brain is not keeping itself as cordoned off from the rest of the body. If the brain, the blood brain barrier is leaky. And this happens with infection. This happens with inflammation. This happens with mitochondrial stress. It happens for a lot of different reasons.  If GABA supplements are working for you, it could be because your blood, your blood brain barrier is not as strong as it should be.

And this is something you can address. And this is where the, our health optimization medicine and practice comes in, where we're looking at.  We have a module on the gut, for example. And of course, there's gut metabolites that are important for sleep and for, uh, and for neurotransmitter balance, and also for keeping your gut healthy and keeping the leaky gut, um, not be leaky or sealing it up.

So if you seal up the gut, for example, you also seal up the brain as well, at least in, in clinical experience. So anyway, so GABA supplements themselves, just be aware if they are working and maybe something you want to get checked out with a clinician and see if you have a leaky gut. And so nicotinyl GABA though.

Vitamin B3 attached to it easily gets across the blood brain barrier because of the vitamin B3. And then as it gets across, it hydrolyzes or breaks apart into vitamin GABA. So you have a little bit of an activation there because of vitamin B3, which is niacin. And then niacin makes NAD in the brain. And then you have GABA, of course, that makes GABA.

So the great thing about All of our products, but especially Trocom, I think, is that it's a significant titration capacity where you can start off at just a quarter of a trochee just to take the edge off a little bit. If you're stressed during the day, I'm stressed having a podcast with Mollie and you take a quarter of a trochee.

Very intimidating. today. You're, you're very intimidating. Very much so. But I was speaking to people from Special Operations Command earlier and I needed a TROCOM for that, but that's another story.  Understandable. Okay. But um, That DOD lineup. Yes, exactly. Yeah. So they were talking in all this language and I was like, man, I could have used a TROCOM for this.

But anyway, um, but TROCOM can take the edge off just a little bit and, but you can still maintain your focus, maintain your concentration, and then you can titrate your dose up to where you have less focus, less concentration, and more relaxation. So like the way I personally use TROCOM.  For those kinds of conversations with Special Operations Command, if I know I'm going to have them ahead of time, it's a good idea.

But I usually will use Trocom to help actually in the evenings for me before I go to bed as a wind down kind of thing because it quiets your mind. It just helps you feel more relaxed without feeling terribly tired. And that's nice for me when I'm with my kids and I'm hanging out. I don't want to be like groggy.

I just want to be relaxed. And instead of that glass of wine, which, which I don't go for, but a lot of people do, you can just have one. Trocom or half a trocom instead of a quarter and then it gives you that  Just taking the edge off without feeling like you're just like, you know, a puddle on the ground to kind of deal with it, which, which is okay if you need that, but that's not really what we're going for with TROCOM.

It's a little bit of a different state change. It's like, it's a relaxation stress reduction, but it's different than taking a benzodiazepine. It's different, different, different, different than taking a Valium or Xanax, but you're not going to get that like that complete.  But on the ground kind of feeling or euphoria that you'll typically get with those.

So it's a little bit of a different feeling, but it really is helpful to have that. I think are you looking for an easy and impactful way to elevate your fitness and sleep quality simultaneously? Well, then you need to hear about the Carol bike. It's become my latest obsession. It's an AI powered, Exercise bike.

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You're investing in your health, well being and quality of life. So again, go to you block out spelled the letter U block out. And I'm happy you touched on that because, um, we, uh, we've done a number of podcast episodes on the topic of benzos and Z drugs, and I think it's just so important for us to be well aware that there are Alternatives, of course, I mean, it's a huge topic, but things that we can do to influence our state and our physiological state without necessarily going to those extremes.

TurkTom is good for that. TurkTom is really good for that. Yeah. But I think it's, it's actually something that people need to get used to because when people aren't, not anxious, but not tired. It's a strange feeling for people that are used to taking benzos, for example, that are used to being not anxious, but then tired and feel like, you know, lethargic slightly.

And they like that feeling because they're always amped up and sympathetic. So TROCOM is a little bit different. It's not going to be like euphoric. It's just going to be like, you're not anxious. Yeah. Kind of cool. Groundbreaking. Yeah. And then it's performance, both as we say in the boardroom to the bedroom, right?

Performance anxiety anywhere you go, at least for the guys out there, you know, women, maybe not so much, but. Yeah. Well, that's a big deal. Absolutely. I mean, sleep as a skill has extended to many realms of the bedroom and some of these things to do certainly come up and have that. Bi directional relationship.

So now we're touching on these different kind of state changer options and looking at the day and then maybe into the evening. And now your latest product, which I just shared that I actually just taken last night. And of course, woke up to some great scores, if you will, and both objective and subjective data to support a great night of sleep.

And this is with your new state. Sleeping trochee. So I'm wondering if you could break down because you have some interesting ingredients in that list or lineup. Yeah. So this is Trozee and  I was really impressed at Dr. Ted here. This is Dr. Ted's formulation because we wanted to hit as many aspects of sleep as possible.

Everything from feeling sleepy, to falling asleep, to maintaining your sleep, and to waking up feeling rested.  under the guise that we were only going to support sleep architecture here. We were not going to give anything that was going to screw it up. We know that alcohol screws it up. We know that benzodiazepines screw it up.

We know that THC screws it up. Uh, we know that there's many things that we're taking. Benadryl is a common one that people will take when they're in a pinch and that also screws it up. And so there's, and that's usually screwing up deep sleep. Sometimes it's screwing up REM sleep as your audience well knows from your education.

And so what we wanted to try to do was create something that only supported stages of sleep. And so that's what we were able to do. And, uh, we're really excited about it because  That has a couple of things that help with sleep induction. Uh, one of the things that helps with sleep induction is something called adenosine.

Adenosine is a neurotransmitter. It's also outside of the brain. It's also has other functions, but the way we're using it as a way for, especially for those people that tend to have coffee later in the day,  what coffee does is it blocks this receptor called your adenosine receptor, which I'm sure again, many people know of, but if you give the body more adenosine, it can help help compete.

The caffeine molecule and help you get to sleep faster as a result of having adenosine around. So adenosine is there in the product to help people feel sleepier faster, because if you have less caffeine around and more adenosine, you're going to feel sleepier in general. So that's kind of like the first thing to think about.

Then we have, um, a number of different things in the, in the compound, in the, in the, uh, Trozy that are helping with the GABA system. So I mentioned GABA earlier. They're  my goal, always with my. Clients is to work on the GABA system because I know most of us are in sympathetic state most of the time and so working on our sympathetic system, the best way to do that I found is to get people more parasympathetic and the more parasympathetic that you are, the more GABA you're going to produce, the more sympathetic you are, the more GABA you're going to deplete and so many of us Especially when we're traveling or we're stressed.

We have different things that are happening in our life. We just had a baby, whatever it might be. Um, you're going to have a GABA deficiency to some degree. So we wanted to support the GABA system. Again, we can give GABA directly because GABA directly doesn't work. If it does, again, go see your doctor about leaky gut and leaky brain potentially.

So we have a couple of things in there. One of them is called Honokyl, which is pretty well known in the sleep world. I think it's coming, something that comes from Magnolia bark. And, and it works on the GABA system. We have another compound that's very, very special. It's called agarin. And this is from a psychedelic mushroom called the fly agaric mushroom.

And the fly agaric mushroom is very, it's, it's very well known as the, the mushroom of Santa Claus mythology. And it's, it's also been in Alice in Wonderland. It's the, the mushroom with a red cap and the white dots. And so it gives psychedelic experiences because there's two ingredients in the mushroom.

There's one called hypotenic acid and one called Agarin. The ibotenic acid is neurotoxic and causes the psychedelic experience. And the agarin is a GABA agonist. It's a long acting GABA agonist, which means it works increasing GABA in the brain. And it does this with a half life of about six hours, which means that it's going to stay in the system for a longer period of time.

This is also why when people take TROZI, we want to make sure that they have at least a sleep window of about six and a half hours when they're going to take it, because if they take it and they don't have that much time,  they may feel groggy when they wake up.  However, the idea here is that to have a long acting GABA agonist in the formula is very, very important for people that wake up in the middle of the night, because if you wake up in the middle of the night and your mind starts racing really quickly,  It's hard to go back to bed.

But if you have enough GABA in the system, it's going to prevent those wake ups oftentimes,  because it's going to depress some of those neurotransmitters that are responsible for wakefulness, like your cortisol or like your norepinephrine, for example, that can happen when you're dreaming and you're getting chased by a lion or something.

Hopefully that doesn't happen too much, but that's the reason why we stay asleep during REM is because we have GABA around and we have serotonin around to balance out the neurotransmitters that may wake you up because of you were actually getting chased by the proverbial lion in this case.  Exactly.

And is that part of your thinking too with the 5 HTP as well? Yes. Got it. Yeah. So then you have the long acting GABA agonist of the agarin in there, which is fantastic. We use very, very low doses of that to help with this. GABA system as we've been describing.  And then we have a couple others. We have, we have, we have 5 HTP in there for this reason, as you mentioned.

So 5 HTP is going to help the serotonin system. It's 5 HTP is a metabolite of tryptophan. It's the amino acid of tryptophan and the amino acid of tryptophan that turns into 5 HTP, but you can get 5 HTP directly and it can help with increasing sleep  maintenance overall. So that's why 5 HTP is in there.

So melatonin is in there too. So I know there's probably been controversy on your Podcast about melatonin. Some people love it. Some people hate it. Um, I think that overall as we get older, I think it's pretty well described that we make less of it. And especially when we travel to help us shift circadian rhythms, it can be very, very helpful.

I think that's pretty well described. We use five milligrams of melatonin in this formula. It does help with sleepiness. It does help with maintenance of sleep as well, especially people that are melatonin deficient. Now,  Again, does any of this take the place of a great sleep routine and having a circadian rhythm optimization and a cool room and all the stuff that you talk about?

The answer is absolutely not, of course, but this is going to support the system overall. And again, we just don't make as much melatonin as we get older. So I am actually very sensitive to melatonin, interestingly enough, like if I take more than about two and a half milligrams, I don't sleep. I don't know why, but I have the, I have the opposite.

Like I never get into like a deep sleep with melatonin, but again, melatonin is not just for sleep. Ladies and gentlemen, you guys all know this, right? This is also one of our most powerful antioxidants around in our, in our mitochondria to help us recover as well. So anyway, just to throw that in there, I don't know if you have any comments on melatonin before I go on.

I appreciate that you spoke to that too. And to your point around, it's a complex topic. and has a dynamic use case in that there are certainly very clear applications. You pointed to the travel piece, the age piece, there's certain conversations around cancer and autism and different groups that could absolutely benefit.

And there's, it's very multifactorial. There's a lot of questions on its application and dose. And yet we do want to absolutely be facilitating both the physiological response of our natural ability to produce melatonin to your point of the circadian rhythm piece and your emphasis on that. But then there are some of these legitimate pieces that we're not producing it to the way that we could for certain groups and.

There's a lot of considerations. So the fact that this is available, I think is really important. And as for me, for someone that travels a lot, I have a lot of clients that are traveling a lot and that are dealing with kind of shift work, if you will. We just spoke about the poker players who are glorified shift workers and rotating shifts.

If you will. And so there's a lot of reasons why we want to be able to have these things at our disposal. And with the ability with the trochees, I think is noteworthy too, because then you can kind of dose in a way that makes sense for you, given your situation. Is that something you would speak to as well that you can decide for yourself as far as the dosing?

All of our trochees are designed this way. So they're all precision dosed. They're all as pharma grade as possible. So every ingredient in them comes with certificate analysis, every ingredient gets purity and potency tested. Every ingredient gets tested. for heavy metals. Like we're clinicians, as you know, Molly.

And like, when we started this company, it was so that we could give stuff to our patients and clients that we felt comfortable doing. There's very few companies out there that take all these extra steps. I mean, you have the big companies out there that get third party tested, but even still, like, will they show you or will they give you their certificates of analysis for their ingredients?

Probably not. Even for people that are in our space that use the same ingredients.  I would say though, that there's no other companies out there that are using Agrin in any sleep formula. So we're the first company to do that by far. And we're using another mushroom, one that I haven't spoken about yet called  cordycepin.

So cordycepin  is the active component of something called the cordyceps mushroom, of course. And then people have heard of the cordyceps mushrooms for a lot of different reasons these days. The HBO show. Would be the last of us, right? So cordyceps is famous for In nature, taking over the brains of insects and making them zombies and then doing their bidding and then just turning into a big mushroom.

And so the Last of Us show leveraged that, and I guess a video game before that did that, and creating zombies. And so no, you're not going to become a zombie if you take the cordycepin, which even the cordyceps mushroom is still very safe, ladies and gentlemen. It's been used in medicinal  ways in Chinese medicine for thousands of years, for example.

But cordyceps is the active ingredient of the cordyceps mushroom, one of the main ones. And it's an amazing, amazing compound. It's been studied in multiple different things. But what the way we're using it in this particular, uh, Trosee in this compound, in this product is for slow wave sleep. And so it increases slow wave sleep and we're using it And we're seeing this across the board, improving slow wave sleep.

And we're excited about this particular ingredient. We're actually going to be creating our own product with just cordycepin in it because it's a fantastic immune system booster. It helps with metabolic activity. It helps with insulin resistance. It's got some anti cancer capacity as well. It's being used in other countries as well for this.

So we're very excited about it overall. So, so cordycepin is going to be protective and it's going to increase your slow waves or your deep sleep as well. So We'll often have people that take our product. And I know Mollie, you can attest to this. You just had your experience, but it seems to improve both  REM sleep and non REM sleep seem to improve, but especially the deep sleep, the non REM sleep piece, the deep sleep seems to go as it goes up using this particular product, which is super cool.

Amazing. So, so great. And to your point around sort of this cutting edge use of certain ingredients that you can't find anywhere else. I mean, that was really noteworthy for me when exploring this. And I know it's been fantastic to know you along the way and as you're developing certain things and you've given me some kind of like, cliffhangers of, Oh, we're just, we're working on something great and brought some excitement for me.

And to see this put together has been a really cool thing. And I think it's just so important for us to have this in our back pocket for certain cases when this could just be so, so impactful.  I forgot to answer your question though. I'm sorry about that. I forgot to ask your question, answer your question about trochees and the titrate ability.

So this whole like diatribe. I'm sorry about that at the, um, The idea is that all of our trochees are titratable, which, which means you can start off at a quarter and go to a half, three quarters full. And no matter, it's not like the pot brownies of old where you, you cook them in your, your, your kitchen.

And like, you had like the one part of your brownie that had like all the cannabis and everything else had zero and you were the person that got all the cannabis or something like that. You don't have to worry about that with our stuff because it's, it's made under the supervision of a compounding pharmacist in a manufacturing facility that we test everything, like I said.

You know exactly how much you're getting per trochee and per quarter of each trochee. And so with our sleep product, it's interesting, Mollie, we actually formulated it to be either taking a half of a trochee or a full. Now, if you already have another sleep stack that you're already using, then you may want to just start with a quarter.

But in general, if you're kind of going cold turkey, needing something for sleep, then I would have people start off with a half of a trochee rather than a full. Now, The other piece that I didn't mention is that most of our trochees are best dissolved in the mouth between the upper cheek and gum. I think I did mention that.

But with Tro Z, one of the ingredients, the Hanukkah oil in there is mildly spicy. So as a result of that, it may not be tolerable to have it fully dissolve in the mouth. That's also what we have people do.  Dissolve it in their mouth. And then if it gets spicy, just swallow the rest with water. Typically about an hour before bed is the way to do it.

And this is one where you do want to have a bed relatively close by because you are going to feel sleepy.  You're not going to be one hanging out with your kids or your wife or your spouse or wherever. You're going to want to just be going to bed. So within about 20 to 30 minutes of taking it, uh, what has your experience been with it overall?

I know you've had it a couple of times now. Yeah, it's been interesting. So I particularly grab it when I've been traveling and you know, when I'm getting myself back on track with sleep. And that has certainly been my experience as well, like, you know, planning and plotting it out. To. You know, very soon after taking it plan to be winding down and falling asleep.

So now I've been bringing that in. I'm using the Somni. I don't know if I've spoken to you about that. Yeah. We'll have to chat more offline about that. That's been really amazing. It's a headband and transcranial electric stimulation, but it has a kind of a wind down piece. So I've been blending that in with your trochee if I'm after travel or what have you.

That yes, stack to quickly bring about improved sleep onset, especially if I have been disrupted, sometimes that can then take longer. And so this has been a nice thing to bring in. But yes, I think you're certainly that's been my experience is that it does take it's pretty fast acting at least the effects.

Right. So you don't have to worry about whether it's going to work or not for you. When you get to the right dose, if you're at a half a trochee, it's not working, go to a full. And if that's not working, then it's probably not going to work for you. Although I've had some people do now go up to a one and a half, especially if they're significantly depleted in multiple different things.

I usually do that clinically in the sense that I'm working with patients and saying, okay, let's go for one and a half kind of thing, um, to do that. And then the other way people are using the Trozy is that they're helping, it's helping them fall asleep, but some people are still waking up in a night, say three or four o'clock in the morning, can't go back to bed.

And they'll use TROCOM actually to help them go back to bed at that point  instead of extra TROZI. And the reason for that is just because again, TROZI has some long acting ingredients in there. So if that's the case, I have people take TROCOM.  Actually, Ben Greenfield is actually the one that figured this out for me.

He's like, yeah, take TROCOM. TRO when I go to bed, and then I'll take Troche if I wake up and I go back to bed very easily. And  the nice thing about Troche is it helps quiet the mind. And that's the reason why I like tro tro calm before I go to bed is that mm-Hmm. I usually don't have a hard time staying asleep if I, yeah, I fall asleep.

But for me it's just a falling asleep thing. Yeah. And so TRO Calm  TRO is great for that because it's, you know, like Dr. Ted would say, it's constipation for your thoughts. So you're just like, and that's the other thing that's weird about people that are used to being anxious is like  when you're anxious, you have.

On average, 120, 000 thoughts per day. Okay. When you're not anxious and you're normal, in quotes, whatever that means, you have about 70 thoughts per day. So when you come from being ruminating and having 120 to 80, 000, like you're, you're going to feel like your mind is significantly less noisy, but it's going to take some tuning in for you to be able to see that.

So it's not like, it's not, it's not always something people can feel right away. It's like, Oh, wait, I am less anxious. My mind isn't going there. I wouldn't have, I would have thought that. So anyway, so for me, the, the Trocom has been great, but I do use the Trozy when I travel, especially. Like I said, I think getting back on schedules is, it's a fantastic way to do that.

Oh, I mean, I'm looking forward to, and actually this conversation is making me, I'll have to place an order right after this that I'm headed to Singapore and taking the world's longest flight, the 19 hour flight. So I will be bringing all three of your products. I will make sure I have my, my day mode, my coffee mode.

Um, my, the sleep, the whole world of it. Just blue is great for that too. Yeah. So, so methylene blue for travel because it's protecting your mitochondria and you're, you're at high altitude. So you're getting less oxygen, you're getting radiation, you're getting, and then the circadian rhythms. And so we have a whole protocol on our website for jet lag.

It's, it's, if people go on our website, transcriptions. com, you can go to This type in jet lag and you'll see a whole protocol with just blue, but what's not on there. And I use a lot is actually I use a lot of true calm, um, for flights as well, because it helps with the stress of flying, especially when you're first getting on a plane or I mean, I just, you know, the whole the stress of getting into the airport and security, etc.

So it's great. And then. After that, I'll use a lot of just blue. So it's a great, nice, it's fantastic for travel. I mean, the stuff that we have is so great. That's why we actually developed it. You know, Dr. Ted developed blue canadine, our focus formula so that he can get off an airplane after being on an airplane to Manoa, which is where he has a practice and then get on and just start rocking with blue canadine on board and some methylene blue, et cetera.

So  again, our deal, I hope is that, and I hope I've conveyed this is that we, we love what we do with the compounds that we make. The ingredients that we use are really. Novel, they're uniquely formulated. Everything is coming as clean as possible.  But the goal really is that if you can do the things that you've been talking about in your podcast for as long as you've been doing this, like you can optimize your sleep with a lot of gadgets without, without a lot of gadgets, without a lot of, without a lot of confidence  and things like that.

And then just use things as you needed. Oh, so, so impactful. And I, I appreciate it too, because, you know, we speak a lot about mitochondrial health and support being so important for life in general, but certainly our sleep as well. And so we've seen a lot of people getting excited about the use of methylene blue, but then we see the quality come into question for a lot of people and they're going on Amazon and, you know, just getting some funky sourcing.

So the fact that we don't have to worry about that with your product is, or your company is amazing. So so much for that. Yeah. And we'll share all that too. If anybody has any questions about, uh, where we get, like, or we all have all that stuff's very easily  given through our customer service side of things.

So we're happy to share. So we do ask every person that comes on the podcast for a question that I'm so interested to hear your responses. I know you're always on the cutting edge and thoughtful about your health and, you know, management of things. the stress piece and love what you pointed to around kind of facilitating or creating an environment for GABA production, if you will,  parasympathetic states.

So the first question that we ask everyone is what does your nightly sleep routine look like right now? Yes. So I don't know if I'm that cutting edge here, but maybe I don't know.  But so main thing for me is that I think of our bodies and our brains like Pavlov's dog. Okay. Everybody remembers Pavlov? Yes.

The study like Ring a Bell and I'll Salivate. There's also a Barenaked Lady song about that too. One of my favorites. You're probably too young to know what that is. But anyway. I don't know that one, but I like the, I like the reference. Yeah. Barenaked Ladies, 1990s. Some people probably know that. Anyway, so, um, so what they did in this experiment is that they would give this dog food and they would ring a bell at the same time.

Right. And then eventually they took away the food and they just rang the bell and the bell would continue to sound and the dog would continue to salivate. Right. The salivation mechanism became automatic. So my sleep routine tries to be like that where I'm doing something the exact same way or close to it every night.

Um, sometimes it could be longer, sometimes it could be shorter if I'm traveling, but there's a couple like main things. Ideally I like to use my infrared sauna before bed. And so I do like the 30 minute. Infrared sauna, then I'll take like a mild shower, um, not too hot, not too cold, somewhere in between  because you don't want your body to get too hot, um, before you go to bed, right?

The idea with the sauna is that it drops your, your, um, your body temperature. So you don't want to take a super hot or super cold shower. Some people do like the hot cold before bed, but that's not for me typically. Um, but I liked, so I did the infrared sauna and then from there it's usually a shower and then it's.

Thanks. Stretching. And then from there, it's an eye mask, uh, one ear plug, a sound machine, and I'm to bed. And so the one ear plug is funny. That's a funny story because I got into this habit when I was in college and I lived in a fraternity  where I would, I would have, I had a fan that I'd turn upside down so that it made louder noise and one ear plug in so that I could sleep, but that I, but I would wake up to my alarm in the morning.

So I wouldn't miss class.  That is the first time out of the hundred and, I don't know, over 50 podcasts, no one said that. Yeah, one earplug. I'm strange. And because I also sleep, I also don't move very much when I sleep, so my, I usually sleep on my left side and so that my left ear is, is, doesn't have an earplug, but my right ear does.

And then I have my eye mask on as well. So, and then I do like a little bit of a mantra. Yeah, I do a little mantra before when I'm in bed, you know, that just grounds me, protects me, etc. Like a little meditation there. So that's like, it's, it sounds like a lot, but I mean, but it's not all necessary. Like what I can do is if I'm traveling, I can cut it down to just a little bit of a stretch, um, a sound machine and an eye mask.

And I'm usually pretty good with that, but that's when I'll use things like Trozzi and Trocom or et cetera, et cetera, to kind of help out. But that's my typical sleep routine. Sleep routine. I love that. That's fantastic. And to put it under the umbrella of the Pavlovian response that you're looking to achieve, I think is so wise.

And, you know, we've think of that in a particular way, whether with the language or not for children and kind of setting them up with those routines and yet think as if we're, you know, You know, kind of different side of that. We're absolutely no different. So well said. Ring a bell and I'll salivate. Ring that bell.

Do you have any Pavlovian habits, if you will, for your morning routines? I'm such a,  I know the answer is no, I'm going to be honest because I have, um, I would love to have them, but Um, I have four kids at the house. So every time I try to get into some sort of routine,  I get derailed. So what I, what I'd love to have all this other beautiful things that people do in the morning.

So no, I'm, I'm a real person. I don't have a routine in the morning that I love. I wish I did.  But what I do, what I try to do at least in the morning at some point, right, is at least take five seconds when I wake up, when I'm still in bed and I get, okay.  I'm in bed. Like, you know, when you're still kind of waking up and you're, you're not, you're, you're, your ego hasn't fully, like, when your mind starts going like a thousand miles an hour.

Yeah. I just try to remind myself that all that is just an illusion, that none of that. And then I remind myself that like, there's this one phrase that I like in meditation, like what it would be like if you had no problems to solve. Love that. Just that. If I can just say that to myself, it's a good morning.

So I'll take that. Totally. Yeah. So that's, that's where I go at it. And that's, that's what I have for my morning routine at this point. I love that. That is great. Five seconds. It's a five second morning routine, I guess. And I think that there's something absolutely to be said for that because people hear these different things.

And sometimes. Yeah. These 27 step morning routines are a little much and like my evening routine. That's a lot of, like a lot of steps for the night. So in the morning, it's five seconds. That's all I got. Exactly. No. And I think that's so helpful. And even that kind of thoughtfulness to get into that state and question that is very above ahead of the game for a lot of people.

Yeah. So just as a, you have to relate that to like. Meditation. So meditation is a big thing that I do throughout the day, but, um, meditative states when you're in theta wave brainwaves, that's that state that you're waking up in before your ego turns on and tells you, Oh shit, I have 20, 000 things to do.

So if you can grab yourself before that grabs you, like your day will shift as a result to just as a, as a nice thought. Yeah, and you mentioned too that some of your recommendations for people are as you're kind of helping to support them to facilitate more of that parasympathetic response. Is that one of your main recommendations for people?

The meditation piece, kind of the intentionality. Okay, so just the real emphasis on that. Definitely trying to become more parasympathetic throughout the day and also moving throughout the day helps too. Yeah, I mean you have to remember that you need to have your, your body's used to contrasts. Yeah. So if you're so like being sympathetic and like go running up your stairs and then going into a meditative place afterwards.

A great combination, right? Because you go real sympathetic and you go parasympathetic, or you do a breathing exercise that gives you more of a sympathetic dominance like your Wim Hofs of the world. But sure, if you have something else that calms you down, the problem that we have in real, in like. The world these days is that we just kind of go from one thing to the next, like you're, you're exercising in the gym, then you're on your phone scrolling and then, then you're, you're on meetings and then you're with your kids.

Like there's no breaks there. So having the contrast is important. I find with people. So good. And. In your environment. So we ask what might we see on your nightstand, and that could extend to ambiance, gadgets, gizmos supplements, anything that's important in your space. So on mine, uh, so I usually have my, my day, my nighttime glasses.

I'm blind, so I need my, yeah, I usually do. I, I usually do yellow lenses. I don't usually do full orange in general. Sure. But So you do yellow. And then I have my sound machine looking at it. Now I have my one ear plug and I have my, uh, and I have my eye mask. That's on my nightstand. Perfect.  My phone also on airplane mode.

Yeah. Okay. Beautiful. And the last one would be, what would you say to date so far has made the biggest change in your sleep game or said another way, maybe biggest aha moment in managing your own sleep. This comes from Dr. Ted. And I think. When I was in medical school, we used to wear shirts that said, sleep is for quitters.

And I know you've been in this world too. Totally. I didn't think that it was important and didn't think we needed it. And then, you know, sleep when you're dead, all this shit. Right. So, um, but what's something that Dr. Ted told me, this is when back in 2016 or 2017, and I still was kind of on this realm or like, I don't really need sleep.

I'm okay. I can do this.  Back in my 30s. Anyway, so, um, the, what he said to me is, Scott, what I tell my patients is that your day doesn't start when you wake up, your day starts when you go to sleep. So if you can change the perspective that they realize that sleep starts when you go to bed. You know, sorry, your day starts when you go to bed, like then your whole perspective shifts because then you really care about how much sleep you're getting.

You really care about the quality, the quantity, the architecture and waking up, feel refreshed. So you're ready to start your day and you're better in your relationships that you're better with your family, with your work, with your immune system, your everything, right? So. That was a big shift for me. And I try to remind myself that still, but I still get into those, those patterns.

I'll go, I can do six hours tonight. I'll just take some supplements and I'll do this and whatever. And I'll wake up and I'll do that. I  think the biggest shift was just the perspective shift. And that's what health optimization medicine is all about. The nonprofit is really trying to shift perspective from disease to health and looking at sleep as one of those big.

Things that we all need to dial in and we can do this if we change the perspective and work on all the things that we need to work on but remain with that perspective that no sleep is like how I'm starting my day is how I sleep. I love that. That's fantastic. And it's just so important. That's one of the things we find all the time is that in the process of helping to support people with their sleep often it's a.

Prioritization thing. It's a calendar thing. It's an emphasis thing. It's a ability to create sleep opportunities. And it's not to belittle the practice for people because it often that can be a whole domino effect of how we're running and managing our lives to, yeah, to have that emphasis and sense of intention around it is just crucial.

So I love that so much. And there's so much wisdom. And I know we're yeah. Only just scratching the surface with you. And between the two of you, it's just ridiculous. The amount of information that you have at your disposal of how to really support people in their health. And so how can people follow you, check out these products, all the things.

So thank you for having me, Molly. This has been a pleasure to be here. And yes, we could talk for many more hours and we will at conferences and other locations. Totally. Sure. You'll be the first to try some of our crazy new things that we come up with. I feel very honored. Of course, a non profit is called Health Optimization Medicine and Practice.

So if you're a practitioner, you don't have to be a doctor, just if you're a practitioner, if you're a coach, if you have a practice where you're seeing people and trying to help optimize their health or their life,  this might be an option for you. So go to homehope. org. We have a seven module certification course, and one of the modules is chronobiology.

Foundational module is something called metabolomics, and we do cohorts of students through this so that we have cohorts that go through that can learn the material. It is biochemistry heavy, but it is clinically based. And I think that if anybody's listening that has an interest in biochemistry and has an interest in mechanisms, this is going to be a great opportunity to learn something really robust as a foundation of practice.

And then we have our Company transcriptions, which you can find at transcriptions. com. And on Instagram at transcriptions, it's the word trochee and the word prescription mashed up into transcriptions. So we use trochees, we use as prescription grade ingredients as we can novel ingredients from all over the world.

And so that's why we're called transcriptions. So that's where you can find most of the information about our, about our products. Uh, personally, I'm at Dr. Scott Sherr, D R S C O T T S H E R R. And you can find me there. I post lots of different things about lots of different crazy things that I'm, I'm doing, uh, transcriptions being one of the main things, of course.

So I think that those are the main places. Yeah. Uh, amazing. Well, I so appreciate you taking the time. I know you're juggling a ton of things and the amazing podcast. book to as well, just all these fantastic ways that you're getting this information out to the masses. The podcast is called the, you know, the smarter, not harder podcast.

And we, there's, there's four roving hosts, including me, and we have great guests on talking about various types of topics as well. So yes. And also while you have a discount code for those that are listening, it's called sleep is a skill. You save 10 percent on your order, uh, transcriptions as well, if you'd like to try.

People, I use this code myself and I will be doing this for the Singapore trip. Like I shared and among other things, but certainly, yeah, to have these products available, I think is just really an unfair advantage, uh, to be aware of some of these offerings and certainly follow these folks. They've got some incredible information, the podcasts, you get to hear more of that amazing voice.

So. So, Dr. Scott, thank you so much for taking the time and then just for creating the products that you create that make a big difference for our health and our lives. So, appreciate it. My pleasure. Sleep well, everybody.  You've been listening to the Sleep is a Skill podcast, the top podcast for people who want to take their sleep skills to the next level.

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